Volunteering as a Provider for Ask a Librarian Delaware
Ask a Librarian Delaware can offer volunteer opportunities for a select number of librarians who may like to work as a provider of the service, but do not currently work in a Delaware library.
Suggested requirements for being an Ask a Librarian Delaware volunteer:
- Have a MLS or MLIS degree, or in the process of finishing such a degree or have worked as a paraprofessional reference librarian and have completed some reference training in the recent past.
- Provide a resume’ (submitted to the Statewide Coordinator)
- Three references (submitted to the the Statewide Coordinator)
- Have recent experience (within six months or so) of providing reference services for a library
- The volunteer must complete new staff training
- The volunteer must commit to at least six months of service with Ask a Librarian Delaware
- Ask a Librarian Delaware volunteer librarians will be supervised by the Statewide Coordinator, who will monitor their quality, offer support and feedback, and provide training (including refresher training when needed)
- All Ask a Librarian Delaware library volunteers will be under the Delaware Division of Libraries’ queue, but if a provider library would like to sponsor a volunteer we can figure this out.
- There will be no more than 5 volunteers at any given time (this includes interns, volunteers, and field study students).
- Please feel free to contact the Ask a Librarian Delaware Coordinator directly – missy.williams@lib.de.us.